Monday, June 15, 2009

Horsies, Horsies, Everywhere!

Last week I returned home from jogging to find a few horses in my yard. Five to be exact. Two in the front yard and three in the back. The kids thought it was great that the horsies we visit almost every day had come to visit us. I did not share their enthusiasm, however, as I watched the two in the front yard fertilizing and aerating our lawn. I knew I couldn't coral them, so I went to the owner's house and knocked on the door. (Funny aside: he had a sign on the front door that said "Please Use Rear End." Hmmmm.....perhaps he meant "entrance?") I called the Sheriff, but he was taking his sweet time to arrive. So I called my brother to help and another neighbor. Somewhere in the midst of everything the horses in front made their way through the gate into the back.

As my brother and the neighbor were trying get the horses out, a couple of sheriffs finally showed up. One of them said, "I'm just going to tell you right now, I don't know anything about horses. I don't know why they sent me on this call." Helpful. Very helpful. He mostly stood around talking to my brothers girlfriend while the others rounded up the horses. Those are my tax dollars at work right there. Anyway, it took almost an hour, but the other sheriff finally came up with an idea and they managed to get all of the horses out of there. Hooray!

The owner came over later that night and apologized. He told me that he actually rescued the horses from people who weren't feeding them and was just trying to find a good home for them. So, if any of you want a horse, he is GIVING them away. Please. . . take them far, far away!!!


Shannon said...

Sounds like some excitement at the Rhodes house. Why don't you just keep them as pets? :)

Mama Mimi said...

Oh man. What an adventure. I am sure the twins loved it though.