Monday, June 15, 2009

Brotherly Love

Makenzie isn't feeling well today. After she ate breakfast and watched Dora, she laid down on the couch and fell asleep. I put a blanket over her and Brayden & I went in another room to play. We came back when it was time for lunch. As I was preparing things, I realized that Brayden was being uncharacteristically quiet. This usually means he is getting into some sort of trouble. I peeked around the corner to see what he was doing and saw this:
He put Makenzies sippy cup on the couch next to her and started rubbing her back. Aaaaawww! A few minutes later I went to use the bathroom and heard Kenzie crying. Brayden had yanked the blanket off of his sis and done something to wake her up. (Sigh.) Apparently, his tender moment had passed.


Shannon said...

At least the tender moment was there to begin with even if it passed quickly :). They are so cute! Hope Makensie gets feeling better!

Mama Mimi said...

That is sweet that he was comforting her. I hope she feels better! Poor thing.