Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Little Miss Kenzie Lu practicing for the Easter Egg hunt!
Every year the Town of Uintah has an Easter Egg Hunt. This year we decided to take the twins. We trained for about a week so they would know what to do. Brayden LOVED finding the eggs and was excited to go to the park for the big hunt. He kept trying to run out on the field before it was time to start. But when it finally was time to start we weren't quite ready. I knocked Brayden over trying to get the twins their baskets and he started crying. Can you say Mother-of-the-year? By the time I had him calmed down everything was gone. He only got 3 things. I felt so bad! Oh well, I think he was over it sooner than I was.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Yeah kids get over things so much easier than adults. Such cute kids though :).