Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ring Around the Rosie

At least once a day, the twins and I play Ring Around the Rosie. They are so cute when we play! I normally wouldn't post something that shows just how big of a dork I am (I have no idea why my sweater is tucked in my pants. . .I guess I should just be greatful that I don't have TP stuck to my foot) but the twins cuteness outweighs my dorkiness.

Anyhoo, without further ado I present Ring Around the Rosie for your viewing pleasure!


Shannon said...

That's so cute! When we use to play as kids we would push each other down hard instead they hug each other that's so precious!! Hey Mandy and I both wanted to send you Christmas cards but we don't know your address. Could you email it to me at or leave it in a post on my blog. Hopefully you guys will be at the Rhodes Christmas party I would love to see the twins and you guys too!

Rachel said...

You weren't a dork Melinda, you were cute. It made me smile. Kids are fun.

Mama Mimi said...

That is so dang cute. I still do not know how you do it Melinda! I watched my little sister's babygirl who is 8 months old and between she and Faith - I just could not keep them both happy at the same time. You are a great Mom! Christmas will be so fun this year!