Monday, June 20, 2011


From day one he jumped right in
Changing diapers and his lifestyle, all with a grin.

He always gave a bold shoulder or his lap
For our wee little ones to take a nap.

Comb her hair? “No problem," he says with a smirk.
Although he admits his pigtails need work.

He does playtime, bathtime and bedtime
And everyone think he's sublime!

He even includes our latest addition
Into he and the twins’ time honored traditions

Pancakes, brownies, sugar cookies or whatever
Everything tastes better when made together.

Other traditions include “bones” at the door
Movie nights, horsey rides, hiking and more!

His parenting skills aren’t too shabby,
That’s why we consider him LegenDaddy!

Happy Father’s Day, Andy!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Despite the fact this was posted for Father's Day, it does take two to tango! I've seen you both make the most of your time, family, and fun. So, let's here it for LegenDaddy's awesome spouse, MagnifiMommy!