Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sometimes Diamonds Aren't Forever

So much for lucky thirteen! On Monday, I "misplaced" my wedding ring (with the help of a mischevious soon-to-be four-year-old). Last time he pulled a stunt like this I found it in the heating vent. This time, we have not been so fortunate. I searched through every piece of garbage, moved furniture and checked every nook and cranny I could think of. We've offered bribes and amnesty. Nothing. In all fairness, I do not have solid proof that it was him. But based on his track record. . .I'm afraid it got flushed. The thought of not having my wedding ring brings tears to my eyes every time. I guess sometimes diamonds aren't forever.


Alyssa said...

Maybe you will get a brand new one :) It may not be as special but at least you would still have a ring and could design it how you wanted.

Brian said...

Here's hoping that, against the odds or not, it turns up.