Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lexi's 15 Month Stats

 Miss Alexis is 15 months old! She is very opinionated, especially when it comes time to eat. This is probably why she is so skinny. (That, and she was fortunate enough to inherit her Dad's fast metabolism.) She actually fell off the growth chart at this well visit, weighing in at a mere 18 lbs. 8 oz. That puts her in the 0 percentile! Her length is 30 inches (50th percentile) and her head measures 48 cm (95th percentile).

 I'm pretty sure she is in the 100th percentile for cuteness!
And her eyelashes (or paintbrushes!) must be in at least the 110th percentile.

Alexis is a tough little girl! She did not cry when she got her immunization shots this time. In fact, here eyes didn't even tear up. The nurse just stared at her waiting for her to start crying. Then the nurse looked at me and said  incredulously , "That has never happened to me before!" Yeah, me neither lady!

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