Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Fun

The pumpkins have been harvested, the leaves are falling and the air is crisp. I do believe Summer is officially over. But Fall is lots of fun too! Just look what we've been doing. Last week we picked pumpkins from Grandpa Mildon's garden and painted them. The twins are quite proud of their masterpieces and enjoy showing them off to everyone who comes to the door.
Today we went outside and played in the leaves. I was sad to see all of the red leaves fall off of my favorite tree, but all was forgotten as soon as I saw how much fun Brayden and Makenzie had playing in them.


The Noskers said...

I love fall! I hope you're all doing well and that the pregnancy is not too draining. I'm feeling your pain over here! Maybe I should have Brin paint on her pumpkin instead of making her daddy carve it into an Elmo. :)

Shannon said...

Wow they are getting so big! Looks like you have been having fun!