Friday, January 9, 2009

A Girl and her Shoes

Andy does not like to get the kids dressed. He says that whenever he does I always tell him something doesn't match---socks, shoes, whatever---and end up changing them anyway. (Imagine that. A Mom with better fashion sense than a Dad? Shocking, I know!) Today I asked him to dress the kids and PROMISED not to say a word about his choice. Makenzie looked so cute in her lavender, blue and green striped shirt. And her cute lavender pants. And her hot pink shoes? Not exactly a great match, but I didn't say a word. I left to go run some errands and came back to find the aforementioned pink shoes in the middle of the living room floor. Makenzie frequently takes her shoes and socks off and runs around barefoot. I figured this was the case. But when I took them into the nursery to put them away, Andy informed me that it was just the pink shoes she had a problem with. She took them off, threw them on the floor and went to get her white shoes. Then she held them out and whined until Andy put them on. At this point I couldn't hold back anymore. I just started laughing and said, "Smart girl!" She knew her shoes didn't match and wanted to look her best!


Shannon said...

Men just don't get the shoes thing. Most of them have their every day shoes, a pair of flip flops, their basketball shoes, and church shoes and that is about it so to actually match your shoes to your outfit I think is just too much for them.

Mama Mimi said...

What a smart girl!!! And good job not saying anything!! Sometimes that is so hard!