Saturday, October 18, 2008

Black Holes and Polar Bears

No, I'm not talking about the latest conspiracy theory from LOST. I'm referring to the thing that every house comes equipped with. The “black hole” that swallows single socks and other small items. And once you have kids, the size of that black hole multiplies exponentially. It becomes a vortex of missing toys, keys, cell phones and anything else they can get their sticky little hands on.

When my twins were younger I kept a mental list of everything that was missing. One blue ball. Three magnetic letters. The remote control to our master bedroom light/fan. A plastic polar bear. I stressed about the missing items---especially the remote control---and scoured the house to find them. I quickly found one of the letters pushed under the stove, but the others remained a mystery.

Over the next few weeks, the other items started to surface. The polar bear had been wrapped in a blanket and stuffed in the closet. (Apparently, said polar bear needed to hibernate during the dog days of summer.) I found a magnetic letter when I got out a mixing bowl later that week and yet another when I put on a pair of shoes that I hadn’t worn in a while. Unfortunately, the remote control was still no where to be found.

One trip to Home Depot and many hours of manual labor later, I had a new remote control and a light/fan that I could turn on and off from the comfort of my own bed. Two days later I discovered that the new remote control had gone missing. Now I'm convinced the universe is just taunting me!

Most recently one of the accessories to Brayden’s Halloween costume has been added to the magnetic force field surrounding my house. I have looked in every nook and cranny that I can think of. And still. . .nothing.

I am confident that one day this black hole will collapse and the bright shining star that was once my home will re-emerge. Until then, I will stop taking inventory on the twins’ toys every evening (as they are probably right where the kids want them) and start being more careful with everything else. I’m sure Brayden’s costume accessory will turn up on November 1. And maybe if I’m a good little girl, Santa Clause will bring me a new remote control.


Shannon said...

Sounds like you need to get a remote that you can nail down to something. I have the black hole at my house too. The only bad thing is there are only a few things I can blame the dog for misplacing the rest is all on me.

Mama Mimi said...

Don't you just hate looking for things! I find it such a waste of time. But like you said - in time . . . I am sure everything will all show up! Maybe in a few years when the twins are in school! And then you will think back and wish they were little again hiding things!

Amanda said...

I have to laugh because Just this morning I sent an hour looking for this little dog accerory that came with a doll Kendyl got as a present yesturday. I evan resorted to digging through the trash. The dog is still missing and the saddest part is that Kendyl dosn't even care I am the one who has to find it!!! Good luck with the remote.