Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Frisbee Fun!

I finally came up with a good use for all of those Frisbees piled up in our garage. You know, the ones that certain restaurants serve kids meals on? We have given some away to friends and family, donated some to charity and yet, we still have about 20 of them sitting on a shelf.

On a nice spring day, we went outside to play. As I sat looking the yard around I came up with this idea for a fun, educational activity for preschoolers that helps the kids identify capital letters with their lower case counterparts. I kept the playing field small so it wouldn't be too hard, writing 8 capital letters and 8 matching lower case letters using sidewalk chalk. Each set of matching letters was also the same color to make it a little easier. It's a little hard to see in the photograph, but easy to see in person.

Then I covered each letter up with a Frisbee and called the kids over to play.

Even though my Kindergartners can already easily identify the lowercase and uppercase letters, they still had a great time playing. Now that they know how to play the game, they can create new game boards for their little sis and practice their handwriting skills. Hooray for activities that are fun and educational at the same time!


Alyssa said...

That looks so fun and such a great idea..and I am jealous of your cement space!

Rachel said...

Well aren't you just so clever and creative. That's great.