Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fortune Cookies

A few nights ago we took the kids to dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant, Maple Garden. We got a good laugh when it was fortune cookie time. Brayden's fortune actually read: "You're judgement is a little off at this time." No kidding! That must be why he filled up the bathroom sink with water and immersed one of Makenzie's favorite books in it. And peeing in the closet? Well, it's simply because his judgement is a little off. It all makes sense now.

But it got even better. When Andy cracked open Lexi's cookie, Brayden immediately grabbed the paper out of it and pretended to read it. Her fortune: "You will not pull Kenzie or Brayden's hair anymore. Or Mommy's. Or Daddy's." This time, at least, his judgement was right on.

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