Thursday, January 7, 2010

Coming Home

Alexis and I got to come home from the hospital yesterday. Here are a few more cute pics I had to share.

The twins are so precious with their baby sister. I makes my Mommy heart grow three sizes every time they say or do something cute with her. In fact, even before she was born they were very concerned about her. I had very strong contractions for three long days before she was delivered. One day Brayden wanted me to get out of the recliner and play with him. I asked him to wait just a minute because Mommy hurt right then. He got a very concerned look on his face and asked, "Baby hurt too?" I assured him that the baby didn't hurt and was OK. He uncrinkled his brow, smiled and said, "Oh, good." Aaaaaaaw!


Amanda said...

She is so adorable! Good to hear that all went well. Love the picture of Andy with the kids.

Shannon said...

She is very cute and I can't wait to meet her :).