Friday, September 11, 2009

The Good Kind of Time-Out

Lately the twins have been bouncin’ off the walls, which has led to Andy and I climbin’ the walls. So we decided to take a time-out and go to a place where it was acceptable to do both: Kangaroo Zoo.

Brayden and Makenzie had a great time jumping on all of the inflatable toys---running over bridges and riding various animals.

Instead of hair-pulling tirades, cries of displeasure and “no-no-no’s,” we were met with hair-raising slides, squeals of delight and “yeah-yeah-yeah’s!”

The fire-breathing Mom was replaced by a fire-breathing dragon slide.

Oh, and just in case you didn’t believe me about the hair-raising slides, here is proof. Andy convinced our little dare-devil, Makenzie, to try it before we left. And as soon as Brayden saw what she was doing he decided to try it too.

I’m not sure exactly how tall the slide was, but I’m thinking it was at least 30 feet. Andy is 6’1” and look how small he is in comparison.

After the twins climbed up all those stairs all by themselves, they went down the slide on their bellies. Probably less scary that way.

As soon as Makenzie got to the bottom she exclaimed, “More! More!” and went down it two more times. Brayden had fun, going down but decided once was enough.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Looks like fun and such a clever way to tire them out :). You are such a good mom.