We have this poster hanging in our theater room in our basement.
It is backlit, and whenever I turn it on Makenzie points to it and yells, "Daddeeee!!" Hugh Jackman---People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive---the father of my children?!? If only! Personally, I don't really see the resemblence (no offense, honey). But I'll let you be the judge. Other people (who are actually over the age of 2) have told Andy that he looks like Tom Cruise or John Stockton. I tend to agree with the John Stockton comparison a bit more. But what do I know? You tell me: Who do you think Andy more closely resembles? Wolverine, Tommy Boy, John-John or none of the above? I want EVERYBODY leave a comment casting their vote. I'm also curious: What celebrities have you been told you look like?