Friday, August 15, 2008

Good or Evil?

MAKENZIE: Look at me! I am soooo stinkin' cute. . .
. . .there is no possible way that I could be the evil twin.
BRAYDEN: Oh pa-leeease! What a load of crap!
MAKENZIE: Wait just a minute.
MAKENZIE: That's MUCH better. Now I don't have that stupid bow on my head. Ooooh, look at the shiny camera. It has lots of buttons that I can push. Must. Have it. NOW!
BRAYDEN: Aaaaaaaah! I wish I could walk too. Wait for me!
MELINDA & ANDY: Thanks Brian & Jen for the cute t-shirts!


Unknown said...

That was a great blog post! the twins are adorable. Kendyl would never and still won't leave her bows on. I can't tell you how many times she has been called a boy evan in pink! Thanks for the laugh.


Anonymous said...

Dale likes the shirts. We found them amusing.